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Questions or Comments? Write to Alma Driving School Inc. 249 24th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11232 or Call (718) 369-3413
Copyright © 2009, Alma Driving School Inc. All rights reserved.
Pass your road test tips

Make sure you take enough driving lessons
The NYS Department Motor Vehicles recommend that you have at least 50 hours of training with at least 10 hours in moderately heavy traffic before taking your road test. During your first session with us, an experienced trained professional instructor will evaluate you and let you know approximately how many lessons you will need.

Take an evaluation lesson
Take an evaluation lesson before taking the actual exam. This will help you to know your mistakes (if you have any). Be sure to get your evaluation lesson before your real road test in case there are mistakes you need to work on. During your evaluation lesson we’ll be looking for speed, distance, lane changing, lane position, steering control, braking, acceleration, observation, turning, k-turns, parallel parking, double parking, pulling over, leaving the curb, reversing, usage of your mirrors, blind spot checking, signals, approaching intersections, signs, lane markings, reaction to potential hazards, right of way, judgement in traffic, anticipating actions of pedestrians and others, and much more.

Dress up for the occasion
Wear comfortable clothing so that you can move around in your seat easily and move your arms freely to steer smoothly. Wear comfortable shoes or sneakers that you have practiced with before. Tie up your hair so that it doesn’t get in your face while you are taking your exam, you don’t want to take your hands off the wheel to fix your hair.

Study for your exam
Study the drivers manual before taking your exam to brush up on rules and regulations, signs, right of way and more. If you don’t have a manual you can get the NYS drivers manual pdf online.

Take a deep breath
Take some deep breaths to calm your nerves if necessary. If you are overly nervous it may cause you to make mistakes you normally wouldn't make.

Drive naturally
Act as though its a regular driving lesson with your driving instructor next to you. Steer, brake and accelerate smoothly to give your examiner a safe comfortable ride.

Look alert
Make sure you do allot of observation during your exam. After all, observation is one of the most important part in driving safely and defensively. You should look over your shoulder before leaving the curb and glance over your shoulder whenever you're changing lanes. You should also be looking into your mirrors and scanning your intersections as you drive.

249 24th St (Between 4th and 5th aves) • Brooklyn, N.Y. 11232
718 369-3413

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